When I arrived in Germany, blurred-eyed and hungry as always, I found refuge at the Perfect Day Café in the airport. This was my simple introduction to the European style of eating. I ordered a Foccacia Mediterrano and a Macchiato. I saw the sandwich in the glass case, so I thought they would just wrap it up and hand me my drink in a paper cup. To my surprise, I was shocked to see the actual color and foam of a Macchiato made with care in a attractive glass. My sandwich was made to order with fresh ingredients. I could taste it. This was all happening at about 6:30a in a airport. So, I took my lovely meal to a booth to sit and enjoy it slowly. I felt compelled to take my time. When I was done, there was a gentlemen there to promptly take my dishes and clean the table. Appreciatively, my first impression of Germany is great service!
Onward, along with my introduction to the European style of eating, I was also introduced to their popular pastime, smoking. Yes, I know you warned me, but its still a sight to see. At at 6:00 am, there were 15-20 people crammed in a "Smoke-n-Go" glass room, more like a fish bowl! It was too much. I had a plane to catch.
My flight to Barcelona left on time, and was much shorter. I think it was about 1 hour and 35 minutes. I fell asleep for 10 minutes at a time, very annoying. I was too excited.
The Barcelona airport is big with lots of clothing stores. I had time to peruse because this was my longest layover, about 2 hours. But I didn't even bother to tempt myself with the vast retail options. I connected to the internet as soon as I could. For the first time, I paid for wireless because I was desperate. That's how they get you! It was worth it, and not too pricey. Surfing the internet, with 60 minutes paid for, the time passed quickly, and soon, I was off to my final flight.
I knew that I was going to some place special when I had to take a shuttle outside on the (tar-mat) to my plain, which was flown by Spanair. It was a plane for at least 100 people, but it was only about 40 of us. Surprisingly, I had the whole back to myself. I just listened to music. That's all I remember before passing out. Finally, I slept. Luckily, I awoke just before we landed to see the entire island as we approached. I just smiled in amazement.
I landed and got my bags through customs easily because I didn't bring any animal products. Good call. I did have to search and search for my program coordinator. This incident is the first of probably several on my list of, "I wish I would have thought of this before." Before leaving, I never asked about meeting each other in the airport. This is all I could wonder about as I trekked around in circles with my oversized, HEAVY luggage. I finally gave up and just stood in front of the door, like the last kid at latchkey, looking pathetic. Susan, the assistant director, finally found me. She just knew my face and reason for so much luggage.
She had to wait for two other students, so she put me in a cab with Euros. I was on my way to the hotel for lunch and a meet and greet with Antonia the Resident Director (RD) and the other students in my program. I have never been more relieved during a cab ride. One, I was not still standing in the airport confused and panicky, and two, I was riding in a cab around Palma de Mallorca. I had actually made it here safe and sound!

I'm traveling as light as always.
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