Wednesday, November 19, 2008

¡No me digas! ¿Sólo un mes más?

Well look at that! I am in the final month of my long-awaited study abroad experience in Palma. Just like that, I am at the beginning of the end. Yet, there is so much more to see, learn, and experience. In fact, if I had to articulate my current state here, I would use the diagram of a narrative plot. Being the protagonist of course, I'm in the falling action of this short story/drama/comedy.

And the climax, the one event in my entire time here that I can call the "the turning point," has to be our impromptu, unoffical excursion to Inca for the Festival of Fire. Inca is the second largest city on the island, north of Palm in the center. It was a cold and rainy night but unexpectedly, a GOOD TIME!

Check out this video of the fireworks

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